What’s stopping you from building?
A life threatening incident forces you to reset priorities in life. You are forced to rethink on the understanding of Work, Family, Interests. Till then there is a lot of procrastination.
At that very moment of the life threatening moment, one goes through an emotional turmoil. The prominent feeling of ‘I wish I had done more’ is so common.
This feeling engulfs you to the extent that you want to take a decision in a haste. This may not be the right thing to do. The after shock of the experience puts you on a back foot and takes some time to think, rethink and then move forward.
There are two emotions in this turmoil that are prime here and it decides your next action plan. One is that of determination to get out there and get things moving. The other one, and perhaps the most common one is that of regret.
Why do we regret? More often than not, we keep pushing things to work at a later date, with some excuse or the other. It could be the paucity of time, or the lack of financial resources or the lack of team members. Or sometimes we are just lazy.
A tryst with near death experience, changes all of that. Flashing in front of your eyes are the loved ones, the wishes of the things you did not do despite everything being there. And the things we did but would have liked to do it better. We remember the times, one let go of the opportunity.
I often wonder, what’s stopping us from bringing those ideas to life in this age with the access to platforms, tools and mentors. There is so much that one can do. Is it the availability of too much of information, or too many choices, or the fear of being judged that stops us?
I guess what stops us is the fear. The fear of failure. What stops us is the fact that we did not ask. What stops us is that we did not try enough. What stops us is that we did not take control of our time, when we had that available and let others dictate what we did with that.
As we grow older our risk appetite diminishes as we are bundled with more and more responsibilities. It’s a simple thing, which I wish was told more in schools.
So pledge to take the ideas to reality now. There is a never going to be a ‘right’ time. The stars align the day you decide to start. The universe conspires to make things happen. I have seen that happen again and again.
The abundance of information is a boon if you know how to navigate it. The no-code revolution taking place is there to put your idea out there on the internet and it gets working. There are so many platforms that help in building the communities and the audiences and the distribution channels. Access to mentors in every discipline is also aplenty. But you need to ask.
One does not need to have a life threatening incident always to start doing things we wished for. But like the one I recently had, definitely made me think deeper on this. I am grateful for being alive and I pledge to make the best of what I have.
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Trigger for this post: I had a small accident recently. Was in shock past couple days. Am fine now. Thank you.